With the end to 2020 almost in sight, its probably fair to say that most people will not be missing what has been a strange and chaotic year to say the least. However, many people have found ways to achieve their goals this year, despite the ongoing pandemic.
The Handball team at the University of Chichester is one of many sports clubs within the university who have taken part in the annual Movember campaign in order to raise money for men's health.

The club, which has been running for 6 years, has come up with unique ideas of making money using platforms such as Zoom to host quiz nights and games of 'Among us'. Furthermore,
some of the players this year set up donation charts which had certain forfeits they must complete if they managed to raise a certain amount of money. Many dyed their hair, whilst others had to shave different parts of their body! The majority have now completed their forfeits, with Movember fundraising almost complete as we enter December.
The fundraising campaign, which has been led by the club's Vice president Steven along with fellow ambassador Eddy, has been a massive success with everyone at the University.
"The efforts from everyone this year has been absolutely astonishing, Steven says.
Everyone has really got involved and we have smashed our targets. People have come together and donated which is amazing because men's health is such an important thing. its going to be incredibly difficult for whoever takes over as ambassador next year because we've really set the standard so high"
The Club has raised an impressive £3,000 the second highest amount at the University, with Women's Hockey leading the way having raised an even higher amount of £3,600.
However Handball have topped the list for individual achievement, with the club's Movember representative Cameron raising over £1100 with his fundraising efforts, more than any other person at the University.
The efforts of everyone at Handball, and other clubs has meant that overall the University has managed to raise a staggering 20,000 with the total amount still going up.
As fundraising is still going on into early December, the team will be looking to raise even more for Movember and end 2020 on a high!