Although gaining a degree is the primary reason people attend university, the so-called “university experience” (Getting violently and cheaply drunk multiple times a week) is arguably the other most important reason why many eighteen-year-olds choose to become undergraduates.
We would be lying if we said that a city’s nightlife wasn’t an important factor in our application process. It is well known that cities such as Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, and Bristol are renowned for their nightlife.

As such, it is important to know what cities DO NOT have the best nightlife. If you plan to be a serious partygoer, then read on and find out what universities/cities TO AVOID for nights out.
5&4: Oxford Univeristy and Cambridge University
They have been combined together due to the similarities between them on nights out. Due to the smartest and poshest people from around the world attending these universities, it comes as no surprise that their students are more focused on studying than partying.
The Tab journalist Lucy Woodham summed up a night out in Cambridge like this: ‘Unless you want to be in bed by 1am […] Don’t bother’
3: Durham University
Durham’s nightlife is internationally renowned, but for all the wrong reasons. It is home to ‘Klute’ nightclub, which was voted by FHM as the worst nightclub in Europe, with none other than Dominic Cummings being both a doorman and director of the club. Klute is like Popworld on steroids – double the Cheese, double the BO.
(I do hear Barnard Castle is a sight to behold)
2: London Universities - For one of the world’s largest cities its nightlife leaves more to be desired, especially for students. Although there are over 1200 venues, pints currently average an eye-watering price of £5.33, whilst student nights are regularly ten pounds and over which will quickly evaporate your student loan.
1: Warwick University –
Warwick tops our list, as due to its bang average student union nights, you are forced to go to either Coventry or Birmingham for a night out. Shuttle busses run to and from Warwick University, often leaving Warwick at 10pm, whilst coming back at around 3am. This in turn transforms your night out into a late night school trip by essentially placing a curfew on your club time.
It is also common for coaches to cost £10 for a return to Birmingham (although we note entry may be included), whereas in another city an Uber to the club not only costs less but is usually split between 3-4 people.
Therefore, Warwick’s nightlife is neither cheap, nor exciting and as such, is our pick for the worst student nightlife in the whole United Kingdom.
We would like to remind you however that this list is our opinion and not gospel. A lot of graduates will attest that some of their best nights out were at house and accommodation parties, something which every university has.
Therefore, partying at university is ultimately what you make of it, regardless of where you go - Thank you for reading "TOP 5 UNIVERSITIES WITH THE WORST NIGHTLIFE 2021/2022 (UK Universities) ".
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