Students chase their dreams of future job in the university. There are a lot of positive habits to be successful. Here are the 5 top:

1.Plan your time
Plan the time after classes, also the time off, and make it regular. Having a time-table will make you more productive and more engaged in the area you are studying in the moment. The internet can be handy. There are many templates online, but in the beginning is better to make a simple plan for studying and stick to it.
Plan in a scheme even 6 months upfront. Put the plan on visible place in the bedroom, and stick to it. As the results will come, you will be more enthusiastic in sticking to your plan for studying.
2. Period-studying
Periods are the timeframe where you have maximum concentration.In exercises you have a certain time where you can workout, and then you must make a pause. It is the same with the brain. Do not try to study the whole time of 8 hours, or you can provoke tiredness and won’t be able to continue with the studying. Make pauses on every 45 minutes, or less. The pause must be short, like 5 or 10 minutes. Then continue. Or you can make your own pace of breaks. This will help the brain to stay in good shape and avoid problems.
Also, be aware that you need a longer period of time to study for an exam. Periods of pauses are impossible when you have only few days to learn a huge book for the exam.
When is the best time to study?
According to many researches, the most intense concentration of the brain is between 10 am and 2 pm.
Students which want to study at night, must take in consideration that the worst time for learning is 4-7 am. Then the brain needs to rest and RAM phase happens.
When is the best to make decisions? It is better to wait 4 hours after waking up. The worst time is before going to sleep. That is the main reason why we should not make huge decisions the same day.
When to make brainstom of ideas?
The best time to get an idea are the moments when the brain is little tired. So after session of studying, students can make pause and develop an idea for their essay.
3. Sleep scheme
Many students are not aware that lack of sleep can cost them a lot, especially when try to pass a difficult exam. When sleeping, we are absorbing things that we were learning during the day, and make a long term memory. Sleep affects to all areas of the brain, and this includes the part where memory is. Researchers recommend 8 hour of sleep for optimal absorption of knowledge. Many of them are suggesting not to drink cafe late at night, and also to calm yourself before going to bed. This means no studying and then straight to bed. Positive effects of the regular sleep are next:
Better grades. If the student sleeps the optimum time, he/she will have better grades. This is also scientifically confirmed. Students then have more time to write all the essays and assignments, and have more enthusiasm for achieving even better results.
Improving Memory. Better memory means that the student can learn more and increase the capacity of their brain. When they sleep at least 8 hours they can do this. Only in 8 hours sleep the REM phase is activated and the brain can retain valuable information. It also improve socialization skills, which helps in coping with other peers and teachers.
Lower prevalence of chronically diseases like obesity. When students are not getting enough sleep, they tend to eat more unhealthy snacks, increasing the possibility of gaining weight. Sleep affects the balance of hormones in the organism, especially ones who directly influence on the hunger.
4. Participation in study groups
These groups will help to the students to see the subject and the book from others perspective, not just from their own. Students groups were banned during lockdowns and restrictions, and students had to use social networks to stay in touch. Some of them were Whatsupp, Viber, Zoom and Skype. Now, when the situation is getting better, students can physically be together on their meetings.
There are a lot of benefits from the participation in small study groups:
Achieving learning goals. As previously mentioned, individual learning gives less possibility to comprehend difficult topics. Also gives no opportunity to develop ideas and to discuss about topics in the book. In small groups, students can also write notes to further develop into essays. These essays are always better graded by the teacher, even more if there are pros and cons about the whole idea.
Social skills. Students who are part of small group for studying have better intersocial skills. They know how to make a discussion on a difficult topic with other, paying more attention and respect the turn of the other students. Also develop managerial skills, soft skills, and persuasive skills.
5. Ask questions
We are not born to be perfect in every area. In the studies there are some exams which are more diverse and teach a different aspect than the major. Some of them are compulsory. Foreign language is one of them. If students have the “luck” to have a strict teacher for this subject, then the best is to ask questions during the lessons. Even more, come to the class prepared questions. Also, do not hesitate to ask the teacher for additional sources for learning, where you can find additional help. Some of the programs offer periods when the teacher is willing to help to students having difficulties in learning.
As a conclusion, following these recommendations can make students better. All in all, with practice comes perfection. Use this habits and you will soon see better results in your grades and your overall success at university.
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Written by Israt90 for Mr Univeristy
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