Top 10 tips for university
I have personally done some research myself and looked at forums and posts on what students believe are the top tips for people going to university. These include things students they wish they knew before going to university and things that people going to university may never have thought about and should be aware of. In no particular order here are the top ten tips!
10. Know your limits!

A lot of people going to university will never have properly test out what there body can hold even if you think you have just wait you will soon think differently. For the first few times drinking yourself unconscious is awesome but when you have a 9am lecture you will soon change your mind.
Knowing your limits will allow you to keep on top of your workload because you can't afford to spending a whole day in bed recovering from the night before. Knowing your limits will allow you to remember the night, be friendly to your bank account and maintain a good social life.
You have to once in awhile make sure you have tried out every drink possible and having the best drunk experience in a kebab shop but don’t think you should just drink until you drop. Drink the amount you are comfortable with and make sure your still having a good time because the social life is one of the most important part of a uni students life. Everyone will have drunken experiences but it isn’t always suitable to get smashed every time you go out.
9. Learn to cook

The majority of students will not have a clue where to even start when it comes to cooking and the creations they come up with are interesting to say the least. Cooking isn’t difficult and will make life so much easier if you practice a little bit.
Basic skills like learning to cook pasta and a sauce, Uni meals are nothing special but when you cook it is an accomplishment to yourself. You can even use this to your advantage by offering to cook meals for people as long as you get a portion of it and they buy the ingredients then you can save some money for yourself. You would have had to cook anyway so why not get a free meal.
This is one of the most important things you need to be able to do for when you go to university so don’t be silly learn how to cook!
8. Learn to budget

Most students are never going to have lots of money and so the majority of the time you will be picking up 2p coins of the floor but believe it or not there's a way you can avoid this!
When you work out the money you will have in total from grants, maintenance loans etc. take some time and work out how much all of your costs total up to and then see what is left over for things like partying. Then at the beginning of each month or however you would like to do it, set aside the money you have to pay bills and other costs and then you can use or save the rest.
Being organised with your money will help you to realistically see how much you have and what you can afford. You will live a much happier life at university and have more of a disposable income if you work out how much you need.
You can get apps to help you budget so I advise you check them out!
7. Be Organised

Being organised will help you to live a stress free life at university and will also save you time and will allow you to do more in the day than you would have originally thought is impossible.
Students said the bestway to be organised is to create a timetable, when you first get all your class times and dates make a document and put it all into one big document. Then not only will you easily be able to see when all of your seminars and lectures etc. are but you can also see when your free time is so you can go and study in the library or go to the gym or even just chill out.
Being organised will help you to keep on top of all of your work and make sure you are handing work in on time and enjoying life at university. A stress free life is a happy life!
6. Get a student job

A lot of people reading this now will probably sigh just looking at what I just wrote but just wait this is students recommend getting a job.
You will soon realise how much spare time you have outside of work, you won’t permanently be going into seminars or lectures so why not get a part time job.This will help you to stay on top of the costs of being a student and more so allow you to have more of a disposable income so you will be able to go out more and buy things for yourself.
There are lots of jobs through the university so you can find jobs that suit times for you and when you are available.
5. Ask for help!!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are confused to get stuck. You can organise meetings with lecturers or go to their office and ask them questions, that’s what they're getting paid to do. So make sure you make use of all of your resources.
You're the one paying over £9000 a year so make sure you are on track and understand everything you are learning!.
Lots of students will have a personal tutor who you can arrange to meet with and then discuss the work you have being doing and anything you may not understand and then they can help you with any problems you have and make sure you are doing well.
4. Work out what you're going to take with you

Thinking about leaving will fill you with happiness but will not make your wallet happy. Every student is tempted to buy absolutely everything but will soon regret half of your purchases.
Work out exactly what is essential for you to take with you and then also extras that you want to take with you. Rooms and not massive so everything you are taking needs to fit into your room.
Remember if you under buy you are not moving to a place that does not have a single shop so if you forget something don’t worry because you and just go and buy it. Try and spend as little as possible and take things that you already have in your room. If you soon realise you need something then you can just order it. You will be happier not having a messy room and making sure the health status of your wallet is good.
3. Learn how to use a washing machine!

This is another skill that is important for university because you don’t want to not have any smelly clothes but also you don’t want to have a t-shirt dyed to a different colour
You probably have the urge to through everything and anything into the washing machine and just press wash but some clothes have to be washed and certain temperature and some colours can’t be washed together.
Stick to the basic rule of wash the same colours together to avoid dying clothes or you can buy pads from the shop that you put in with your washing allowing you to washing anything together but that costs money!
2. Join clubs

Make sure you join clubs! If you think this just isn’t for you then you are wrong. There are loads of clubs and if there isn’t a club you like then you can create it yourself and get people involved. There is a club for absolutely everybody so make sure you get involved and have some fun!
Joining clubs is where you are going to meet loads of people and your friends. They will keep you sane and give you something to do in your spare time. You will have friends to meet up with outside of your accommodation and the course you are studying.
It will make your university experience more enjoyable and potentially meet your future friends for life!
1. Make sure you attend all of your classes!

You are the one paying for your education nobody else and nobody is going to be chasing you up to see where you are if you don’t attend classes. You will just be affecting your own degree.
It is vital to go to all of your classes because it will allow you to learn so much easier than trying to copy up work you have missed. The interaction allows you to retain the information better, your notes will be personalised to you so you can actually remember all of the work.
Most courses record the lecture so if you really can’t make a lecture then you can still watch the lecture but it won’t be as beneficial as going to the lecture.
You do not want to get behind work in your first year because it can lead to bad habits and could land you getting kicked of your course so be organised and attend classes.
They are the most common tips that I have found from my research so I hope this helps people and gives you more of an insight into university. Comment down below if you think I have missed out on any crucial tips (I’m sure I have!) . These will not help you survive university but will make it more enjoyable and will make you feel more comfortable when you are there.
Thanks for reading!!!
Charlie Goldson