Many people at university currently and some of you looking at applying to university currently will be curious to see what universities are best at partying. This could be the most important factor for choosing your university and you may want to see if your university has managed to make it into the top 10.
Partying is one of the most important activities for students and university to have a good time and meet new friends and mainly to forget about the £9,000 a year you are spending so you go out and get absolutely smashed.
Which? Did a survey asking 10,000 university undergraduates about the party life in their university and how they rate it. So after the survey this is what they found out!
10: University of Leeds
Leeds is a very student orientated city and so businesses are cashing in on the students by opening lots of nightclubs and bars all over the city.They offer some unique and quirky clubs.
9: Glasgow Caledonian university
Students and glasgow said that sauchiehall and baths street there are a mixture of pubs bars and music that would take anybody's fancie. Is this the place for you?
8: University of Glasgow
Students and glasgow said nightlife isn't cheap but it's well worth it their a range of bars and pubs right next to the university but its all worth it if it's within 5 minutes of walking distant. For all you coupon savers there are discounted days that students tend to hit the city on.
7: University of Dundee
Dundee is a place you may never of heard of but believe it or not it's real. Students say thats its a nice cheap place to party at offers all the of your clubbing needs.
6: Cardiff metropolitan university
Cardiff may not be as interesting as the next few but they still offer lots of pubs and clubs for everybody. So you won’t be getting bored anytime soon.
5. Cardiff University
Coming into number 5 as you have probably seen it the same city as number six but the only thing separating them is the students is the students. The cardiff university students fancie themselves to more of a party animal compared to the others.
4: University of Bristol
Bristol is a new city that has something to suit everybody's needs. They are also the home fo the cider life and the students would be doing a disservice if they didn't keep up the name given to them.
3: University of birmingham
Birmingham is a nice city that has plenty of options for you to choose from. The students said ‘’Broad street has some of the best clubs in the country’’.
2: Northumbria university
The northerners are known to be quite wild and crazy and well nothing has changed northumbria is ranked second in the top party universities. There are lots of clubs and they stay open until 4AM!!
1: Newcastle University
Coming in at number one we have newcastle which comes and no surprise the Geordies don’t love a good party. They have retained their spot at number one for another year now.
These are the top 10 Partying universities the question is do you think your university should be in the top 10. Or are you sitting there all smug because your university is in the top 10. The question is which universities will be knocked out of this list I am very interested to find out!